Minggu, 27 Februari 2022

Beauty photoshoot of my holy matrimony


On my wedding i choose @demimade as my make up artist or MUA or perias manten.

Then the ask two of her friend, @ditadyanti as my hijab stylist , and @namiramakeup as MUA for mother, sister, and aunt of the bride.

Here's more photos' 

 I think, my wedding make up is not bad, even i forget to ask to give me cheek shading, to make my face slimmer

See you on next post with more photos...

Btw, you guys feel free to contact the MUA if you need their service, via DM instagram.

New Year, New Status , Yeay!!


Well, hello, it's been very long time not to write here, so hi everyone, i'm back again, with new status of course :))

Me, finally tied the Knot with my most precious soulmate after we have a year long distance relationship, between Indonesia - Europe and Indonesia - USA.

Call him Acit, the one who can steal my heart, the one who can accept my weakness and always take care of me whenever and wherever.

Kita punya 10 tahun perbedaan usia, ketika memutuskan menikah, aku usia 27 dan dia usia 37. Now before i tell you more about our wedding, let me share some photos of us first, just imagine it that the photos Will tell the story hehe, enjoy 

p.s : it Will help me reduce some photos from my mobile phone

So, this is the first photos that i really want to share to you, this is a photo that i use to make buku nikah, how do you it in English?

And the second photo is our akad nikah, simply, you are able to say it as holy matrimony. We did our holy matrimony at Masjid Agung Surabaya or Masjid Nasional Al - Akbar Surabaya. On Saturday, January, 15 2022 , at 10am.

Suamiku mengucap kalimat ijab dan Qabul dengan lancar dalam satu tarikan nafas. Literally bikin aku sedih, aku sampai nangis terharu, yang bikin riasan mataku a little bit rusak hehe ✌️ , untung fotografernya handal, walaupun bukan Beauty photoshoot after akad nikah.

Kalo before akad nikah sih, udah dapet beauty photoshootnya.

FYI, aku pakai 2 fotografer yang Alhamdulillah sih mau mau aja dapet extra time dan aku ga kena charge.

Kmarin pakai @mamoyaphoto & @hzmphotography, harganya tentu yang jadi bahan pertimbangan. For more info you can contact then through DM Instagram, ok? 

I'll see you in next post with more photos of my wedding ❤️